
Configure InfluxDB Enterprise meta modes

Meta node configuration settings

Global options

reporting-disabled = false

InfluxData, the company, relies on reported data from running nodes primarily to track the adoption rates of different InfluxDB versions. These data help InfluxData support the continuing development of InfluxDB.

The reporting-disabled option toggles the reporting of data every 24 hours to usage.influxdata.com. Each report includes a randomly-generated identifier, OS, architecture, InfluxDB version, and the number of databases, measurements, and unique series. To disable reporting, set this option to true.

Note: No data from user databases are ever transmitted.

bind-address = ""

This setting is not intended for use. It will be removed in future versions.

hostname = ""

The hostname of the meta node. This must be resolvable and reachable by all other members of the cluster.

Environment variable: INFLUXDB_HOSTNAME

Enterprise license settings


The [enterprise] section contains the parameters for the meta node’s registration with the InfluxData portal.

license-key = ""

The license key created for you on InfluxData portal. The meta node transmits the license key to portal.influxdata.com over port 80 or port 443 and receives a temporary JSON license file in return. The server caches the license file locally. If your server cannot communicate with https://portal.influxdata.com, you must use the license-path setting.

Use the same key for all nodes in the same cluster.

The license-key and license-path settings are mutually exclusive and one must remain set to the empty string.

InfluxData recommends performing rolling restarts on the nodes after the license key update. Restart one meta node or data node service at a time and wait for it to come back up successfully. The cluster should remain unaffected as long as only one node is restarting at a time as long as there are two or more data nodes.


license-path = ""

The local path to the permanent JSON license file that you received from InfluxData for instances that do not have access to the internet. To obtain a license file, contact sales@influxdb.com.

The license file must be saved on every server in the cluster, including meta nodes and data nodes. The file contains the JSON-formatted license, and must be readable by the influxdb user. Each server in the cluster independently verifies its license.

The license-key and license-path settings are mutually exclusive and one must remain set to the empty string.

InfluxData recommends performing rolling restarts on the nodes after the license file update. Restart one meta node or data node service at a time and wait for it to come back up successfully. The cluster should remain unaffected as long as only one node is restarting at a time as long as there are two or more data nodes.


Meta node settings


dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/meta"

The directory where cluster meta data is stored.

Environment variable: INFLUXDB_META_DIR

bind-address = ":8089"

The bind address(port) for meta node communication. For simplicity, InfluxData recommends using the same port on all meta nodes, but this is not necessary.

Environment variable: INFLUXDB_META_BIND_ADDRESS

http-bind-address = ":8091"

The default address to bind the API to.


https-enabled = false

Determines whether meta nodes use HTTPS to communicate with each other. By default, HTTPS is disabled. We strongly recommend enabling HTTPS.

To enable HTTPS, set https-enabled to true, specify the path to the SSL certificate https-certificate = " ", and specify the path to the SSL private key https-private-key = "".


https-certificate = ""

If HTTPS is enabled, specify the path to the SSL certificate.
Use either:

  • PEM-encoded bundle with both the certificate and key ([bundled-crt-and-key].pem)
  • Certificate only ([certificate].crt)


https-private-key = ""

If HTTPS is enabled, specify the path to the SSL private key. Use either:

  • PEM-encoded bundle with both the certificate and key ([bundled-crt-and-key].pem)
  • Private key only ([private-key].key)


https-insecure-tls = false

Whether meta nodes will skip certificate validation communicating with each other over HTTPS. This is useful when testing with self-signed certificates.


data-use-tls = false

Whether to use TLS to communicate with data nodes.

data-insecure-tls = false

Whether meta nodes will skip certificate validation communicating with data nodes over TLS. This is useful when testing with self-signed certificates.

gossip-frequency = "5s"

The default frequency with which the node will gossip its known announcements.

announcement-expiration = "30s"

The default length of time an announcement is kept before it is considered too old.

retention-autocreate = true

Automatically create a default retention policy when creating a database.

election-timeout = "1s"

The amount of time in candidate state without a leader before we attempt an election.

heartbeat-timeout = "1s"

The amount of time in follower state without a leader before we attempt an election.

leader-lease-timeout = "500ms"

The leader lease timeout is the amount of time a Raft leader will remain leader if it does not hear from a majority of nodes. After the timeout the leader steps down to the follower state. Clusters with high latency between nodes may want to increase this parameter to avoid unnecessary Raft elections.


commit-timeout = "50ms"

The commit timeout is the amount of time a Raft node will tolerate between commands before issuing a heartbeat to tell the leader it is alive. The default setting should work for most systems.


consensus-timeout = "30s"

Timeout waiting for consensus before getting the latest Raft snapshot.


cluster-tracing = false

Cluster tracing toggles the logging of Raft logs on Raft nodes. Enable this setting when debugging Raft consensus issues.


logging-enabled = true

Meta logging toggles the logging of messages from the meta service.


pprof-enabled = true

Enables the /debug/pprof endpoint for troubleshooting. To disable, set the value to false.


lease-duration = "1m0s"

The default duration of the leases that data nodes acquire from the meta nodes. Leases automatically expire after the lease-duration is met.

Leases ensure that only one data node is running something at a given time. For example, continuous queries (CQs) use a lease so that all data nodes aren’t running the same CQs at once.

For more details about lease-duration and its impact on continuous queries, see Configuration and operational considerations on a cluster.


auth-enabled = false

If true, HTTP endpoints require authentication. This setting must have the same value as the data nodes’ meta.meta-auth-enabled configuration.

ldap-allowed = false

Whether LDAP is allowed to be set. If true, you will need to use influxd ldap set-config and set enabled=true to use LDAP authentication.

shared-secret = ""

The shared secret to be used by the public API for creating custom JWT authentication. If you use this setting, set auth-enabled to true.


internal-shared-secret = ""

The shared secret used by the internal API for JWT authentication for inter-node communication within the cluster. Set this to a long pass phrase. This value must be the same value as the [meta] meta-internal-shared-secret in the data node configuration file. To use this option, set auth-enabled to true.


InfluxDB OSS 2.0 release candidate

InfluxDB OSS v2.0.rc includes breaking changes that require a manual upgrade from all alpha and beta versions. For information, see:

Upgrade to InfluxDB OSS v2.0.rc