
Migrate InfluxDB OSS instances to InfluxDB Enterprise clusters

Migrate a running instance of InfluxDB open source (OSS) to an InfluxDB Enterprise cluster.


  • An InfluxDB OSS instance running InfluxDB 1.7.10 or later.
  • An InfluxDB Enterprise cluster running InfluxDB Enterprise 1.7.10 or later
  • Network accessibility between the OSS instances and all data and meta nodes.

Migrating does the following:

  • Deletes data in existing InfluxDB Enterprise data nodes
  • Transfers all users from the OSS instance to the InfluxDB Enterprise cluster
  • Requires downtime for the OSS instance

To migrate to InfluxDB Enterprise

Complete the following tasks:

  1. Upgrade InfluxDB to the latest version
  2. Set up InfluxDB Enterprise meta nodes
  3. Set up InfluxDB Enterprise data nodes
  4. Upgrade the InfluxDB binary on your OSS instance
  5. Add the upgraded OSS instance to the InfluxDB Enterprise cluster
  6. Add existing data nodes back to the cluster
  7. Rebalance the cluster

Upgrade InfluxDB to the latest version

Upgrade InfluxDB to the latest stable version before proceeding.

Set up InfluxDB Enterprise meta nodes

Set up all meta nodes in your InfluxDB Enterprise cluster. For information about installing and setting up meta nodes, see Install meta nodes.

Add the OSS instance to the meta /etc/hosts files

When modifying the /etc/hosts file on each meta node, include the IP and host name of your InfluxDB OSS instance so meta nodes can communicate with the OSS instance.

Set up InfluxDB Enterprise data nodes

If you don’t have any existing data nodes in your InfluxDB Enterprise cluster, skip to the next step.

For each existing data node:

  1. Remove the data node from the InfluxDB Enterprise cluster

    From a meta node in your InfluxDB Enterprise cluster, run:

    influxd-ctl remove-data <data_node_hostname>:8088
  2. Delete existing data

    On each data node dropped from the cluster, run:

    sudo rm -rf /var/lib/influxdb/{meta,data,hh}
  3. Recreate data directories

    On each data node dropped from the cluster, run:

    sudo mkdir /var/lib/influxdb/{data,hh,meta}
  4. Ensure file permissions are correct

    On each data node dropped from the cluster, run:

    sudo chown -R influxdb:influxdb /var/lib/influxdb
  5. Update the /etc/hosts file

    On each data node, add the IP and hostname of the OSS instance to the /etc/hosts file to allow the data node to communicate with the OSS instance.

Upgrade the InfluxDB OSS instance to InfluxDB Enterprise

  1. Stop all writes to the InfluxDB OSS instance

  2. Stop the influxdb service on the InfluxDB OSS instance

    sudo service influxdb stop
    sudo systemctl stop influxdb

    Double check that the service is stopped. The following command should return nothing:

    ps ax | grep influxd
  3. Remove the InfluxDB OSS package

    sudo apt-get remove influxdb
    sudo yum remove influxdb
  4. Back up your InfluxDB OSS configuration file

    If you have custom configuration settings for InfluxDB OSS, back up and save your configuration file. Without a backup, you’ll lose custom configuration settings when updating the InfluxDB binary.

  5. Update the InfluxDB binary

    Updating the InfluxDB binary overwrites the existing configuration file. To keep custom settings, back up your configuration file.

    wget https://dl.influxdata.com/enterprise/releases/influxdb-data_1.8.3-c1.8.3_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i influxdb-data_1.8.3-c1.8.3_amd64.deb
    wget https://dl.influxdata.com/enterprise/releases/influxdb-data-1.8.3_c1.8.3.x86_64.rpm
    sudo yum localinstall influxdb-data-1.8.3_c1.8.3.x86_64.rpm
  6. Update the configuration file

    In /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf, set:

    • hostname to the full hostname of the data node

    • license-key in the [enterprise] section to the license key you received on InfluxPortal OR license-path in the [enterprise] section to the local path to the JSON license file you received from InfluxData.

      The license-key and license-path settings are mutually exclusive and one must remain set to an empty string.

    # Hostname advertised by this host for remote addresses.
    # This must be accessible to all nodes in the cluster.
      # license-key and license-path are mutually exclusive,
      # use only one and leave the other blank
      license-key = "<your_license_key>"
      license-path = "/path/to/readable/JSON.license.file"

    Transfer any custom settings from the backup of your OSS configuration file to the new Enterprise configuration file.

  7. Update the /etc/hosts file

    Add all meta and data nodes to the /etc/hosts file to allow the OSS instance to communicate with other nodes in the InfluxDB Enterprise cluster.

  8. Start the data node

    sudo service influxdb start
    sudo systemctl start influxdb

Add the new data node to the cluster

After you upgrade your OSS instance to InfluxDB Enterprise, add the node to your Enterprise cluster.

From a meta node in the cluster, run:

influxd-ctl add-data <new-data-node-hostname>:8088

It should output:

Added data node y at new-data-node-hostname:8088

Add existing data nodes back to the cluster

If you removed any existing data nodes from your InfluxDB Enterprise cluster, add them back to the cluster.

From a meta node in the InfluxDB Enterprise cluster, run the following for each data node:

influxd-ctl add-data <the-hostname>:8088

It should output:

Added data node y at the-hostname:8088

Verify that all nodes are now members of the cluster as expected:

influxd-ctl show

Once added to the cluster, InfluxDB synchronizes data stored on the upgraded OSS node with other data nodes in the cluster. It may take a few minutes before the existing data is available.

Rebalance the cluster

  1. Use the ALTER RETENTION POLICY statement to increase the replication factor on all existing retention polices to the number of data nodes in your cluster.
  2. Rebalance your cluster manually to meet the desired replication factor for existing shards.
  3. If you were using Chronograf, add your Enterprise instance as a new data source.

InfluxDB OSS 2.0 release candidate

InfluxDB OSS v2.0.rc includes breaking changes that require a manual upgrade from all alpha and beta versions. For information, see:

Upgrade to InfluxDB OSS v2.0.rc