AWS configuration options
When deploying InfluxDB Enterprise on AWS using the template described in Deploy an InfluxDB Enterprise cluster on Amazon Web Services, the following configuration options are available:
- VPC ID: The VPC ID of your existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
- Subnets: A list of SubnetIds in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) where nodes will be created. The subnets must be in the same order as the availability zones they reside in. For a list of which availability zones correspond to which subnets, see the Subnets section of your VPC dashboard.
- Availability Zones: Availability zones to correspond with your subnets above. The availability zones must be in the same order as their related subnets. For a list of which availability zones correspond to which subnets, see the Subnets section of your VPC dashboard.
- SSH Key Name: An existing key pair to enable SSH access for the instances. For details on how to create a key pair, see Creating a Key Pair Using Amazon EC2.
- InfluxDB ingress CIDR: The IP address range that can be used to connect to the InfluxDB API endpoint. To allow all traffic, enter
- SSH Access CIDR: The IP address range that can be used to SSH into the EC2 instances. To allow all traffic, enter
- InfluxDB Enterprise License Key: Your InfluxDB Enterprise license key. Applies only to BYOL.
- InfluxDB Administrator Username: Your InfluxDB administrator username. Applies only to BYOL.
- InfluxDB Administrator Password: Your InfluxDB administrator password. Applies only to BYOL.
- InfluxDB Enterprise Version: The version of InfluxDB. Defaults to current version.
- Telegraf Version: The version of Telegraf. Defaults to current version.
- InfluxDB Data Node Disk Size: The size in GB of the EBS io1 volume each data node. Defaults to 250.
- InfluxDB Data Node Disk IOPS: The IOPS of the EBS io1 volume on each data node. Defaults to 1000.
- DataNodeInstanceType: The instance type of the data node. Defaults to m5.large.
- MetaNodeInstanceType: The instance type of the meta node. Defaults to t3.small.
- MonitorInstanceType: The instance type of the monitor node. Defaults to t3.large.